Sunday, December 28, 2008


I hope each of you had a wonderful, beautiful Christmas! My family and I did. Though we can't pinpoint why, Jason and I agree that this Christmas was different and extra special. Of course, we got awesome gifts from each other and our family, but we all know that is not what Christmas is about. There seemed to be a sense of magical serenity, and I felt it not only in our family, but almost everywhere we went. We had lots of food, fun and family, and we made some really special memories this year. One of my favorite traditions happens every year on Christmas Eve. Our church always has a very meaningful, special ceremony that I so much look forward to. The church is filled with soft candlelight, and families come and go as they choose, and they are free to observe the Lord's Supper. My family and I always go. I LOVE IT! As we kneel at the altar, I am given the opportunity to focus on Christ and Christmas, and I am overcome by such a peace... I am overwhelmed by our precious Father's love for me, and am so thankful that He sent His Son. However, the quiet moment is truly only a moment, and then we're off to be consumed by the busyness. I must admit, I love that part of Christmas too. The hustle and bustle of the last minute gifts, dashing from family to family, and forcing myself to stay awake after my husband to put all of his goodies in his stocking! Christmas morning we always wake up early and go to my parents to see what "Santa" has brought. (He always comes as long as you believe!) Then we go to Jason's parents for breakfast. We open presents, and then usually go to Aunt Sandra's. This year, my parents and Jason's parents, as well as his brother came to my house at lunch. We had finger foods and watched "White Christmas." Then we went outside and played Tailgate Golf. (FUN) At dinner, we went to Aunt Sandra's, and had YUMMY food. We relaxed and played with my baby Jack, and then we all played Family Feud. (We missed Ben of course, but we are glad he feels up to going back to work!) Christmas is not over for me, as this weekend I am visiting with some of my favorite family members that I don't get to see a lot. (Many of you know Alan and my Aunt Pam...) As usual, I have really enjoyed visiting with them, and I always hate to see them go. (Bradley, I missed you, and can't wait to meet Erika and your beautiful baby girl.) So, to sum it up, I'll say again Christmas was/is amazing!

Now, here comes 2009. I can not believe it. "They" always told me that time passed more quickly as the years passed. How true it is! I, of course, have several resolutions that this year I intend to keep. I actually feel pretty good at the possibility of success, because I have actually already begun to take the necessary steps to achieve my goals. (Ex. 21 pounds since July...!)
My prayer is that this year be filled with health and happiness for my family and yours. I pray that my family grows closer together, and that we are able to serve the Lord with complete surrender, faith, and boldness, and that we make so many choices and memories that will impact the Kingdom. As simple as it is, one of my dreams is for my family to be well. I just think how beautiful it would be for my whole family to be able to go on a mission trip together. Who knows what the Lord has planned for us? I do know that He says he loves to give good gifts to His children, and that He works all things together for our good to glorify him. Jeremiah 29:11 has come to mean a lot to me over the years. A very special lady who has been a major influence in my life shared this verse with me at a time in my life when I was consumed by questions and confusion. Ever since then, I have faced many decisions about jobs and family, as well as the future. So many times I just want the Lord to write the answers in the sky. But, of course, that doesn't happen, which means I have to constantly seek his face. Well, with the promise of the new year peeking around the corner, I can't help but be excited. I just feel like the year to come will be full of hope and peace and trust and happiness and friendship. I pray that our families will take advantage of new opportunities and that we can all find meaning in purpose as we look to Jesus. Take care. Much love and happy New Year! Phillipians 1:3

P.S. HAHA Lori! I tricked you. You are always around and you ALWAYS know when I blog. I'm smarter! Just kidding. But I DID surprise you didn't I?


Lori said...

You DID suprise me - I didn't even think you knew how to post - ha ha. Enjoyed reading the blog. Tell Pam, Doug, and Alan (and Kinsey too) that I said hello and I really appreciate NOT being invited over. I'll remember that in the future. LOL Glad you all had a good time together!

And I know Pam probably showed you how to post without me!! HA

The Wilson's said...

WAY TO GO CARRIE!! I am proud of you girl! I have faith in you and know you can fully achieve your goals. I have never ever been able to lose more than 13 pounds. It seems it comes back on double when I do lose some. I agree this Christmas was so awesome and I so enjoyed it also. We have never played tail gate golf? It sounds like fun. Take care and keep up the hard work. I can't wait to see you! Maybe someday we can do like Shonna did and plan another blogger party. I hated that I didn't make it to hers. I would enjoy visiting with all of ya'll!
May the lord bless you and your family in the year 2009!
Happy New Year!!

Heather said...

I could use a little bit of your ambition on the loseing weight. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.

Karen said...

So good to hear from you Carrie! Sounds like yall had a wonderful Christmas. I'm with ya on the whole family mission trip. I am still praying for a miracle for my mom and it would be totally awesome to take them to Ukraine with me. Anyway, I hope you and Jason have a wonderful New Year and maybe one day in 2009 I'll get down there to see everybody!

Julie said...

I have full confidence that you'll be successful with the weight loss program. With your determination and goal-oriented self you will certainly succeed.

That is also one of my resolutions for the New Year-- finish losing this baby weight. In fact, today is the first day of my diet/exercise. I am going to TRY running a mile later in the evening; maybe I won't pass out!! :) Love you and glad to know that you had a blessed Christmas.

mandy said...

Very glad ya'll had a Merry Christmas. Miss hanging with ya'll terribly. I am very proud of you on the weight loss. How excited you must be. I am loving this blogging thing. See you soon.

Kim Turman said...

You are so sweet. Love to read your post. I started one go to and Tammy Holt started one go to

leslep said...

Welcome to the addiction of the blog world.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas! I know that the new year is going to bring you lots of friends and help in keeping those resolutions! :) Here's hoping I can keep the one I've made! It's so great to be able to catch up with everyone through the blogs - I just have to remember to update mine more often! LOL Take care!

Shonna said...

Caroline and I enjoyed the visit too..I can't wait to do it again and I think we shoud go to the Lagniappe this time the boys are home!!!

Dave and Mandi said...
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Dave and Mandi said...

Of course I remember you Carrie! Thanks for leaving the sweet comment. I'm so glad to have found your blog, and I'll enjoy keeping up with you. Happy New Year!!